Thursday, January 29, 2009

Primary Documents: Legends of the Jews

To add to the older sources, here’s a bit out of Louis Ginzberg’s Legends of the Jews, Vol. 1, pp. 276-278 (in the 1909 edition in my library):

Abraham departed with Isaac amid great weeping, while Sarah and the servants returned to the tent. He took two of his young men with him, Ishmael and Eliezer, and while they were walking in the road, the young men spoke these words to each other. Said Ishmael to Eliezer: “Now my father Abraham is going with Isaac to bring him up for a burnt offering to the Lord, and when he returneth, he will give unto me all that he possesses, to inherit after him, for I am his first-born.” Eliezer answered: “Surely, Abraham did cast thee off with thy mother, and swear that thou shouldst not inherit anything of all he possesses. And to whom will he give all that he has, all his precious things, but unto his servant, who has been faithful in his house, to me, who have served him night and day, and have done all that he desired me?” The holy spirit answered, “Neither this one nor that one will inherit Abraham.”

And while Abraham and Isaac were proceeding along the road, Satan came and appeared to Abraham in the figure of a very aged man, humble and of contrite spirit, and said to him: “Art thou silly or foolish, that thou goest to do this thing to thine only son? God gave thee a son in thy latter days, in thine old age, and wilt thou go and slaughter him, who did not commit any violence, and wilt thou cause the soul of thine only son to perish from the earth? Dost thou not know and understand that this thing cannot be from the Lord? For the Lord would not do unto man such evil, to command him, Go and slaughter thy son.” Abraham, hearing these words, knew that it was Satan, who endeavored to turn him astray from the way of the Lord, and he rebuked him that he went away. And Satan returned and came to Isaac, and he appeared unto him in the figure of a young man, comely and well-favored, saying unto him: “Dost thou not know that thy silly old father bringeth thee to the slaughter this day for naught? Now, my son, do not listen to him, for he is a silly old man, and let not thy precious soul and beautiful figure be lost from the earth.” And Isaac told these words to his father, but Abraham said to him, “Take heed of him, and do not listen to his words, for he is Satan endeavoring to lead us astray from the commands of our God.” And Abraham rebuked Satan again, and Satan went from them, and, seeing he could not prevail over them, he transformed himself into a large brook of water in the road, and when Abraham, Isaac, and the two young men reached that place, they saw a brook large and powerful as the mighty waters. And they entered the brook, trying to pass it, but the further they went, the deeper the brook, so that the water reached up to their necks, and they were all terrified on account of the water. But Abraham recognized the place, and he knew that there had been no water there before, and he said to his son: “I know this place, on which there was no brook nor water. Now, surely, it is Satan who doth all this to us, to draw us aside this day from the commands of God.” And Abraham rebuked Satan, saying unto him: “The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan. Begone from us, for we go by the command of God.” And Satan was terri fied at the voice of Abraham, and he went away from them, and the place became dry land again as it was at first. And Abraham went with Isaac toward the place that God had told him.

Satan then appeared unto Sarah in the figure of an old man, and said unto her, “Where did thine husband go?” She said, “To his work.” “And where did thy son Isaac go?” he inquired further, and she answered, “He went with his father to a place of study of the Torah.” Satan said: “O thou poor old woman, thy teeth will be set on edge on account of thy son, as thou knowest not that Abraham took his son with him on the road to sacrifice him.” In this hour Sarah’s loins trembled, and all her limbs shook. She was no more of this world. Nevertheless she aroused herself, and said, “All that God hath told Abraham, may he do it unto life and unto peace.”

Mr. Ginzburg cites texts from collections of works from the medieval period to the nineteenth century; he is gathering all the legends from various times into a single definitive narrative. I don’t have access to all the sources Mr. Ginzburg cites (the Midrash HaGadol, the Neweh Shalom, the Midrash Va-Yosha, Adolph Jellinek’s Bet ha-Midrash, the Yalkut Reubeni), or the language skills to make use of them if I did. Still, I love this version.

Thank you,

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